Rhode Island School of Design assistant professor Hansy Better Barraza just received a grant of $1,000 toward installing a giant hammock in Boston Common! The grant comes courtesy of The Awesome Foundation, a newly founded non-profit with the intent of making micro-grants to fund extraordinary projects. Or, better yet, in their own words: "The Awesome Foundation for the Arts and Sciences gives monthly $1,000 fellowships to projects that advance the interest of Awesomeness in our universe." Trek Light Gear couldn't be happier that they decided to use their first 'awesome grant' to bring a giant hammock to the masses!
According to an announcement on Facebook for the awards ceremony, once the hammock is designed, fabricated and installed the public will be invited to hang out in it free of charge. From the sound of it, they've still got some bureaucratic hoops to jump through in order to get the necessary city permits to hang the huge hammock - but I personally can't imagine anyone wanting to be the wet blanket that says no to a giant hammock!
If you come across any updates to the story or live in the Boston area and have any pictures of the construction or unveiling of the hammock - let us know!